TRC Workshops & Events

Workshops & Events

Fall 2024 Schedule

Led by Jennifer Seagraves
Faculty & Staff Orientation

Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop designed for faculty and staff interested in connecting and learning from one another. Whether or not you've read the book Relationship-Rich Education, this session is open to all and offers a space to explore the meaningful relationships you create on campus.

Faculty and staff who read the book this summer were inspired by its examples and were eager to share their own experiences with one another. For example, in discussion about everyday mentoring we had examples from asking a student, "How are you?" to walking them across campus to connect with a resource, to flipping office hours to "student hours," our community has countless stories of fostering vibrant and rich relationships. For those faculty and staff who read this summer, this is your opportunity to share what takeaways, examples of other universities doing interesting work, and even share what changes you have made to your syllabus, classes, etc. that were inspired by this text.

Come ready to be active, learn, and share why relationships and the work you do matter. This workshop is an opportunity to reflect on your experiences, gain new insights, and celebrate the power of connections in our academic community. Let's learn from each other and continue building a supportive and vibrant campus culture!

Led by Morgan Pajak

Morgan Pajak will provide valuable insights into the integration of service learning principles within the academic curriculum, fostering a dynamic learning environment that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Through an interactive and collaborative discussion, we will delve into innovative approaches for incorporating service learning into various disciplines, while also examining its profound impact on student engagement, community empowerment, and the cultivation of lifelong civic responsibility. Join us in this transformative endeavor as we collectively explore how to enrich the educational experience and empower our students to become active agents of positive change in their communities and beyond.

Register online:


Led by Allison Lee and Jacqueline Gartner

Come join us for a hands-on activity to learn about a useful tool for both students and educators to visualize their current understandings of concepts. Our session will include creating concept maps on multiple topics so you will be ready to implement this new tool in your courses.

Join us for food, fun, and making new connections.

Link to register:

Led by Faithe Beam and Borrée Kwok

More information to follow.

Register online:

We are reading Relationship-Rich Education, How Human Connections Drive Success in College by Peter Felten and Leo M. Lambert. You may have encountered this text through the Belong webinar series earlier this year or heard of the two authors as they are local here to Elon University.

You have been invited to participate in reading and engaging with your educational peers this fall.

Access to the ebook is available through the following link on the library website:

Additional resources related to this title include:

Register here:

Past Workshops & Events

Lead a Workshop

Leading a workshop is a fantastic opportunity to share your interests, passions, and research with your fellow faculty and staff members. Sharing of ideas and information facilitates collaboration and learning among our community and can empower our faculty with new skills.

Please reach out to Jennifer Seagraves, Instructional Pedagogy and Curriculum Materials Librarian, to discuss your workshop topic and goals, and we will help with the rest.

Please note that we strive to have workshops that are open and inclusive to all faculty regardless of subject area, faculty status, or department.