4th Annual WML Academic Symposium

10:30am - 10:50am (Room 303)
Chinese Naval Capabilities: A Threat from the Far East?
by Blaine Rhyne, Stephen Budd

Developed under the guidance of:

Dr. David Gray and Prof. Amanda Parker
Homeland Security

China is emerging as a global superpower in terms of economics, military, and political influence. The Chinese economy has grown exponentially over the past several decades which has led to exponential growth of their military. With such a huge population, China has always had a large army but constructing an advanced modern navy has proven more problematic. Recently, Chinese technologies are advancing; a modern fleet of submarines, amphibious ships, destroyers, missile patrol craft, and anti-ship missile systems to counter any intervention efforts by the United States and other regional countries. This presentation discusses whether the United States and its regional allies should be worried about current developments in Chinese naval capabilities and the possible threat level in the next decade.