2nd Annual Academic Symposium - Melinda Autry

10:30am - 11am
Room 224
Melinda Autry
"Let the Little Children Come": Not Letting Modern Theories Hinder Them
Developed under the guidance of
Dr. Cameron Jorgenson
School of Divinity

This paper presents a case for reconsidering the use of cognitive development theory in assessing the spirituality of children. It raises the question of whether the spirituality of a person depends on physical maturation and cognitive development. The teachings of Jesus and some of the Church Fathers are examined for support. The paper will expose the problems of using modern secular theories of childhood to determine spirituality. The argument is made that children are born spiritual beings based on the relational view of imago Dei. A corollary is that children can experience God at any age, in age appropriate ways. A child’s expression and understanding of spiritual experiences may be tied to physical and cognitive development, but spiritual capacity is not. Experience with children has demonstrated that this is true. Holding this belief will affect the who, why, what, when, where, and how of ministry to children.