Brooklyn Collins
Brooklyn Collins is a junior majoring in studio art and graphic design with a minor in communications. Originally a native of Crown City, Ohio, Collins' family now resides in Thomasville, NC. Collins has always had a creative spirit and cherishes art for its ability to capture memory. In her words, "Materialistic things can wither but memories last forever." She states that people are creative in their own ways and plans to continue her creative journey after graduation in her pursuit of a career in animation. Brooklyn describes her artistic style as random and takes inspiration from manga art and horror films. In many of her works, she includes eyeballs and swirls and opts for a black and white color scheme for the allusion of drama.
In this exhibit, Brooklyn showcases the coping mechanisms and self-medication that humans utilize in life to cope with the trauma of being. Brooklyn states that we seek pleasure in those actions and substances that soothe the pain of inadequacy, loss, and self-loathing. These coping behaviors lead to addictive practices and self-destruction. Continuing, she says often those who are most insecure seek to please others by destroying their sense of self. Those emotions are expressed in actions that will please others in hopes of being accepted. Through these works, Brooklyn attempts to understand the addiction of emotional eating and heal herself rather than continue to destroy and despair the beautiful soul that she is.