9th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Time: 1:00
Room: 303
Presenter(s): Shaina Gordon, Tanner Mabry, William Rathell
Title: Investigation of an Anomalous Muscle in the Hand
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Maxx Toler and Dr. Bonnie Brenseke , Osteopathic Medicine

During a routine medical school dissection, an anomaly of the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) muscle was discovered. The variant muscle originated from both the scaphoid and lunate bones and inserted as a single tendon onto the extensor hood of the 2nd digit. We believe that this anomalous muscle is not an EIP but is instead an extensor indicis brevis (EIB), a specific form of the variant extensor digitorum brevis manus (EDBM) muscle. This presentation aims to discuss the embryology and different classification systems of EDBM as well as the clinical significance and treatment options for symptomatic EIB.