Presenter(s): Troy R. Horan, Julia Timm Intili, Cora E. Owen, and Laura L. Snyder
Title: Mixed ovarian germ cell tumor in a nulliparous patient: a case report
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Michelle Langaker , Osteopathic Medicine
Mixed ovarian germ cell tumors are rare, affecting mainly adolescent girls and women before the third decade. For this reason, the conservation of reproductive potential is of great concern. We present a case of a 21-year-old nulliparous woman with abdominal pain and vaginal spotting, found to have a rapidly growing mixed malignant ovarian germ cell tumor. Measuring 18 x 14 x 8 cm at the time of surgery, the tumor was classified as an immature teratoma with additional yolk sac tumor features. This case illustrates the aggressiveness of this tumor and the importance of early detection and treatment.