8th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Presenter(s): Eric Hexem, David Ho, Taylor Ibrahim, and Ani Mnatsakanian
Title: Intramuscular Lipoma: An Uncommon Presentation of a Common Pathology
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Bonnie Brenseke , Osteopathic Medicine

The purpose of this study was to investigate a uniquely located intramuscular lipoma found in a 72-year-old Caucasian male. While performing an anatomic dissection of this male, an infiltrative intramuscular lipoma of significant size was identified in the upper left thigh. The mass was found to be within the rectus femoris muscle, a rarely reported location. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of mature adipose tissue arranged in lobules and supported by collagenous septae. The unique characteristics of this lipoma prompted an in-depth literature review into the prevalence, patient presentation, and sequelae of this tumor.