Presenter(s): Charlotte Regan Fawcett, Abby Wagner, Christopher Walker, and Landon Wallace
Title: A Case of Horseshoe Kidney with a Review of Renal Development
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Bonnie Brenseke, Dr. Maxx Toler , Osteopathic Medicine
Discovery of a HSK during anatomic dissection of a 92-year-old Caucasian female prompted additional gross and histological examination. This poster summarizes the events of normal kidney development and migration and explores alternative theories regarding the embryological events that lead to formation of HSK. Histological examination yielded evidence that this case of HSK occurred due to teratogenic events. Common comorbidities that may occur in HSK patients are also discussed. In this case, there was no clear evidence of pathological changes due to the presence of the HSK.