Presenter(s): Samantha De Arcia, Joshua Kirkman, Megan Robillard, and Lowell Taylor
Title: Utilizing the Design Thinking Process
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Kevin O'Mara , Business
In our BADM 100 course, our group was tasked with creating a food truck that would stand out from the competition and satisfy customers’ needs. Utilizing the Design Thinking Process, we followed the six major steps to create a unique and enjoyable food truck that met the needs of our specified target group: bustling business men and women in a metropolitan area. Our group’s main focus was designing a truck that centers around breakfast foods because we felt most of those could only be found in cafes or sit-in restaurants that incur long lines or waiting, which wouldn’t appeal to rushed customers on their way to work. With a distinguished product and unique services to offer, our group believes this food truck idea will be very successful in addressing the needs and wants of consumers.