8th Annual WML Academic Symposium

Presenter(s): Manasi Bhat
Title: The study of the diffusion of antibiotic drugs (Macrolides) through a Scallion membrane.
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Antoine Al-Achi , Pharmaceutical Sciences

In this study, drug diffusion is studied with a natural membrane from Scallion using the Franz diffusion apparatus. The drugs chosen are the antibiotic macrolide drugs Dirithromycin and Roxithromycin. The stability of the drugs and the membrane thickness were tested to account for degradation and uniformity respectively. Based on previous results, Insulin was used as the negative control in the current experiment to account for the membrane integrity. The High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) apparatus helped determine the drug content. This research aims to provide an effective natural membrane (Scallion) for diffusion comparable to the widely used Caco-2 membrane.