Poster Presentation
Time: 4:00-5:30
Presenter(s): Michael Hong,
Jillian Rau, and Shannon Rodgers
Title: Two Cadavers with Right Retroesophageal Subclavian Arteries and a New Type of Non-Recurrent Inferior Laryngeal Nerve
Developed under the guidance of Dr. Bruce Newton , Osteopathic Medicine
During routine cadaver dissection, two rare cases of an aberrant right subclavian artery (a.) were discovered in a 93- and 50-year-old female cadaver. Normally, the aortic arch gives rise to three branches: the first branch, the brachiocephalic trunk, divides into the right subclavian a. and right common carotid a., both of which course anterior to the esophagus. In both women, their right subclavian a. deterred from the normal course and traveled posterior to the esophagus to enter the right upper extremity. This rare anatomic variant, is termed a “retroesophageal (aberrant) subclavian artery” or “arteria lusoria”. Both women also had a variant of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve (n.) which is commonly associated with the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery. The 93-year-old had a variant of this nerve not previously described until now.