3rd Annual Academic Symposium - Demeturis Jenkins and Christian Rodgers

9:00am - 9:20am (Room 224)
Violence and Immigration: Hard Problems and Harder Solutions
by Demeturis Jenkins and Christian Rodgers

Developed under the guidance of:

Dr. David Gray
History, Criminal Justice, and Political Science
This panel session will address the topics of 1) illegal immigration and 2) Customs and Border Patrol. First, illegal immigration accounts for many factors that cause harm, fear, and safety concerns for many Americans. These issues arise not only with emotional fear but also critical economic factors. Associated with illegal immigration comes the security measures the United States uses along the northern and southern border. Customs and Border Patrol agents are the first line of defense for the United States. CBP was incorporated into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, and is now the largest federal law enforcement agency in the world. This panel will address these two topics of illegal immigration and Customs and Border Patrol.